Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Some Facts About Hinduism

Hinduism is an ancient religion of India and the oldest religion in the world.
Hindus regard the Vedas which was composed around 1500 B.C. as central to the hindu tradition.

Hinduism is like an ocean of the combined knowledge of various rishis, sages, and saints. It was they who gave the religion the depth and complexity for which it is known today
Hinduism is a way of life, there is no fixed name for Hinduism; some call it Sanatana Dharma, some call it Bhagawat Dharma, etc. There was no name “Hindu” in old scriptures but later invaders of India named people here as Hindu because they used to live on the banks of the river Sindhu.
Hinduism is broken into four key denominations, which are Saivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, as well as Smartism.
The Vedas Meaning “knowledge” in Sanskrit, the Vedas are the oldest and most authoritative texts of Hinduism. Composed around 1500 B.C.E., they are among the world’s oldest surviving.

Vedas consist of four parts. The Rig Veda contains verses of praise to the gods; the Yajur Veda discusses the requirements of ritual offerings; the Sama Veda, verses and chants for ritual offerings, and Atharva Veda, magical verses.
The Upanishads Among the principal texts of the Hindu tradition, the Upanishads are metaphysical treatises that are concerned with the origin and destiny of humanity and the universe.
The hinduism calls for the belief in one Supreme Being, who stands for both the creator, as well as a reality.
Karma, which stands for the cause and effect of an individuals choices and destiny is another main belief of hinduism. The thoughts, actions and words of an individual can affect their karma.
Ongoing cycles of Creation, Preservation and Dissolution within the universe is a main belief of hinduism.

Hindus believe that the soul can be reincarnated, undergoing a cycle of rebirth. Hindus believe that a soul is able to undergo numerous lifetimes within a physical body. All of the past lives that you have led, contribute to the person you are today.
The Bhagavad-Gita A section of the immense epic known as the Mahabharata, believed to be about 2000 years old, it is set on the field of the climactic battle of the Mahabharata.
The Puranas The name purana means “ancient,” and these eighteen texts are a compendium of legends and histories dating from the fourth century B.C.E. to 1000 C.E. They address the creation of the universe, its destruction and renovation, the genealogy of gods and patriarchs, and the reigns of ancient rulers.
The science of Ayurveda, and the science of Yoga, was inspired and developed by the great masters and seers of ancient India. The origin of Ayurveda and Yoga are common to play a highly complimentary role in spiritual evolution and the maintenance of physical well-being and vitality.
There are three paths according to hindu believes, karmamarga – path of works and action, jnanamarga – path of knowledge or philosophy, bhaktimarga – path of devotion to God

Hindu believes There are four stages of life brahmacharga – school years – grow and learn, grhastha – marriage, family and career, vanaprastha – turn attention to spiritual things, sanrgasu – abandon world to seek spiritual things
The seven sacred cities of hindus are Ayodhya, Mathura, Gaya (Bodhgaya), Kasi (Varanasi, Benares), Kanci, Avantika (Ujjain), Dvaraka
The ten commitments in hindu dharma is Ahimsa – do no harm, Satya – do not lie, Asteya – do not steal, Brahmacharya – do not overindulge, Aparigraha – do not be greedy, Saucha – be clean, Santosha – be content, Tapas – be self-disciplined, Svadhyaya – study, Ishvara Pranidhana – surrender to God

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