Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tips To Protect Your Baby's Soft Skin From This Cold Winter

It's always important to take care of your infant's skin, especially during the cold winter months.  Baby's skin should be protected to prevent it from becoming dry or chapped or even from getting eczema.  It's best to stay inside as much as possible, but if you must go outside, there are some things you can do to help prevent skin problems for your baby.
First thing to do is be sure to bundle the baby up when going outside.  Use layers so that you can remove something if the baby gets hot, to prevent overheating and heat rash.  Use cotton clothes that allow the skin to breathe.  Keep as much of the baby's skin covered as possible.  You can even cover the baby with a blanket for a quick walk outside such as to the car or store.  Baby's faces can quickly get wind burn if not covered.  Be sure to use a hat and gloves to cover the head and hands.  Also be sure to have socks on the baby to keep the feet warm.  Body heat is lost mostly through the head and feet.  When inside though, dress the baby as you would yourself or with one extra layer only.
A humidifier is helpful to use too. Cold air doesn't have as much moisture as warm air and indoor heated air tends to be dry as well, so this helps put some moisture back in the air in your home.  If you don't have one, you can boil some water on the stove in pots as well.
You can use skin and lip protectants such as petroleum jelly on baby to prevent them from becoming chapped. You can use baby lotion all over baby's skin to keep it moisturized.  A good time to apply this even when you aren't going outside is after a bath.  Skin absorbs the moisture better and the skin is clean.  If your baby gets a runny nose, be sure to use the petroleum jelly on and under his or her nose as well because frequent wiping can cause redness and irritation leaving the nose sore.
If you are outside for an extended amount of time and baby's skin is exposed, be sure to use sunscreen.  Even in winter, UV rays are still being emitted from the sun.
Applying these tips will keep your baby healthy and smiling always.

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